杜南山 副教授(校聘),硕士生导师 |
个人简介:杜南山,男,博士,设施工程系副主任。主讲本科生《设施园艺学》;参与讲授本科生《农业设施工程学》、《都市园艺》,硕士生《设施园艺工程技术》、《设施农业工程技术》等课程教学工作。 |
联系方式: 电话传真 037156552762 通讯地址 郑州市平安大道218号园艺学院 电子邮件 fangshan711@163.com 导师批准时间和指导研究生情况: 2019年批准为硕士生导师;指导毕业研究生4名,在读硕士研究生3名。 |
研究方向: 1.设施蔬菜逆境生理生化与分子生物学;2.设施蔬菜连作障碍绿色防治;3.设施作物高效栽培等。 |
学习经历(大学以后): 2012年9月--2017年6月 南京农业大学 设施园艺学 博士 |
任职经历: 2017年9月--2024年3月 河南农业大学 园艺学院 讲师 2024年4月--至今 河南农业大学 园艺学院 副教授(校聘) |
Environmental and Experimental Botany、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、Frontiers in Plant Science、Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology、Gene、Plant stress、Industrial Crops & Products等期刊审稿专家 |
1. Du NS, Xue L, Xue DQ, Dong XX, Yang Q, Mohammad Shah Jahan, Guo H, Fu RK, Wang YH, Piao FZ*. The transcription factor SlNAP1 increases salt tolerance by modulating ion homeostasis and ROS metabolism in Solanum lycopersicum.GENE, 2023, 849, 146906.
2. Zhang JJ, Niu YJ, Ma C, Zhao T, Wang HW, Yan ZS, Zhou L, Liu XY, Piao FZ, Du NS*. Accumulation and metabolism of pyroxasulfone in tomato seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 254, 114765.
3. Du NS , Guo H, Fu RK, Dong XX , Xue DQ*, Piao FZ*. Comparative transcriptome analysis and genetic methods revealed the biocontrol mechanism of Paenibacillus polymyxa NSY50 against tomato Fusarium wilt. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(18) 10907.
4. Du NS, Yang Q, Guo H, Xue L, Fu RK, Dong XX, Dong H, Guo ZX, Zhang T, Piao FZ, Shen SS*. Dissection of Paenibacillus polymyxa NSY50-Induced defense in cucumber roots against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cucumerinum by target metabolite profiling. Biology-Basel, 2022, 11(7), 1028.
5. Du NS, Yang Q, Xue L, Guo H, Lv JL, Zhang T, Dong XX, Shen SS, Piao FZ*.Paenibacillus polymyxa NSY50 improves defense against Fusarium oxysporum by increasing photosynthetic efficiency, sucrose metabolism, and antioxidant capacity in Cucumber. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2022,42, 2246–2257.
6. Zhang JJ, Cao WX, Xi PX, Li L, Qiao ST, Luo HW, Zhang JY*, Liu XY, Du NS*. S-Glycosylation of Fluensulfone in Tomatoes: An Important Way of Fluensulfone Metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2021,69(44):12974-12984.
7. Du NS, Shi L, YuanYH, Sun J, Shu S, Guo SR. Isolation of a potential biocontrol agent Paenibacilus polymya NSY50 from vinegar waste compost and its induction of host defense responses against Fusarium wilt of cucumber. Microbiological research, 2017, 202:1-10.
8. Du NS, Shi L, Yuan YH, Li B, Shu S, Sun J, Guo SR. Proteomic analysis reveals the positive roles of the plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium NSY50 in the response of cucumber roots of Fusarium oxysprum f.sp cucumerinum inoculation. Frontiers in plant science, 2016, 7:1859.
9. Du NS, Shi L, Du L, Yuan Y, Li B, Sang T, Sun J, Shu S, Guo S. Effect of vinegar residue compost amedments on cucumber growth and Fusarium wilt. Environmental science and pollution research, 2015,22(23): 19133-19141.
10. Shi L, Du NS(co-first authors), Yuan Y, Shu S, Sun J, Guo SR. Vinegar residue compost as a growth substrate enhances cucumber resistance against the Fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum by regulating physiological and biochemical responses. Environmental science and pollution research, 2016,23, 18277-18287.
11. Shi L, Du NS (co-first authors), Shu S, Sun J, Li SZ, Guo SR. Paenibacillus polymyxa NSY50 suppresses Fusarium wilt in cucumbers by regulating the rhizospheric microbial community. Scientific reports, 2017,7:41234.
12. Xu Y, Yuan YH, Du NS, Wang Y, Shu S, Sun J,Guo SR. Proteomic analysis of heat stress resistance of cucumber leaves when grafted onto Momordica rootstock. Horticulture Research, 2018,5:53.
13. 薛璐,杨倩,郭慧,李英楠,张涛,申顺善,朴凤植,杜南山*. 黄瓜耐盐根际促生菌的筛选及评价. 中国瓜菜,2021,34(9):26-32.
14. 杨倩,薛璐,郭慧,付瑞珂,张涛,申顺善,杜南山*,朴凤植*. 植物根际促生菌防治黄瓜枯萎病的研究进展. 中国瓜菜,2022,35(1):1-8.
15.付小辉,施露*,孙清珍,董晓星,朴凤植,杜南山*.基于顶空-气相色谱-离子迁移谱探究不同成熟期番茄果实风味的差异.食品科学,2024,8:1-16. 1.番茄转录因子基因SlNAC2的应用,(ZL202111657287.1),第2. 2.一株有效防治黄瓜枯萎病的青霉菌, (ZL201710014459.0),第3. 3.河南省地方标准:砖墙钢骨架结构日光温室设计规范(DB41/T1628-2023),第4. 4.河南省地方标准:钢骨架结构塑料大棚设计规范(DB41/T2401-2023),第5. |
学术交流情况: 多次参加中国园艺学会设施园艺学术年会,中国园艺学会青年学者学术研讨会等。 欢迎同学们报考本人研究生,加入设施结构与环境实验室! |
(2024年8月更新) |